
a little bit of lovin?

So it seems A is still pissed off with me. We had a big talk yesterday about why I went into work. He seems to think that I'm being used by the company I work for and that going in to help out on my morning off is just another example of them using me and giving me nothing in return. This is a long running discussion that has been going between us, but as I explained last night I've taken his advice on board and if I can't/don't want to do a shift I'm much better at saying so. But what he doesn't understand (or doesn't want to understand) is that I didn't go into work yesterday because the company asked me to but because B asked me to. I helped her out because she'd made a mistake and she was worried about getting in trouble because if she couldn't get someone to fill in in the morning, then the store was going to open over an hour late. I did it to help her out, because I'd hope that someone would help me out in that situation and because it was the right thing to do. It didn't really affect me that much (shitty customers aside) and it helped her out a lot. I like helping out where I can, I like being useful and whats more, I like that part of my personality. But A just doesn't seem to get it. Rather than seeing me helping someone, he sees someone using me. I admit the line can be blurry at times, but I wish he would respect my right to make the choice and not punish me for it.

9:26 a.m.

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