

Life is bubbling along happily right now. Work is busy at the moment which is nice, lots of happy people busying Christmas presents, and of course, lots of unhappy people too. Funny how the festive season brings out the less than festive side of some people. But I can't be hypocritical, I'm feeling a little less than festive myself. My youth allowance has been cancelled and though myself and the two other casuals at my store are begging for extra hours two of the shifts at our store went to our area manager's friend. So, I'm very, very broke and wondering how the hell I'm going to afford Christmas. But, I'm sure things will work out eventually.

A and I have been up and down lately. By that I mean we didn't really talk for four days and then we made up and had lots and lots of sex, and now we're talking and having regular sex and things are better than they've been for a couple of months. Things are nice. I've never been in a relationship past two years and things definitely change after that point. It's like having my best friend with me all the time. Every now and then he pisses me off unbelievably, but for the most part we just hang out and make each other laugh. It's awesome.

Theres nothing much else going on, life seems pretty ordinary right now. I keep meaning to spend time making jewellery and sell it at the markets/local store/jewellery paries and never get around to it. I keep meaning to catch up with all of the people I didn't see during uni and never get around to it. And, I keep meaning to have a garage sale and clear out the bedroom of crap, but, I never get around to it. Theres a lot of things that I should but doing and am not, but I don't really mind. I'm happy just bubbling along right now.

9:06 a.m.

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