
end of session worries

Man I feel so nervous about this whole end of session thing. I mean things used to be bad for me at the end of the session in an ostrich-like-put-my-head-in-the-sand-and-do-no-work kinda way. Bu now that I'm doing work and putting effort in I'm getting really worried about getting my marks back. I've had a lot of time to kill since my test this morning and I've been waiting all day to go to my politics tutorial and get my rhetoric essay back. I've got 12 minutes to go till the tutorial but knowning the lecturer he won't give them back to the end. Bastard!

Ah well, there was one positive thing to come out of this all. I went down to lower campus and donated blood to kill time. Yay, my fear is finally helping people!

11:44 a.m.

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