

I must have done something fantastic in a former life because life, right now, is smiling on me. Last night was just the most fabulously nice, night. I got home and just hung out de-stressing (and kissing) on the couch with A, then we went and had fabulous Pakistani food. And then, to ice the cake there was ball thumping, record breaking 20/20 cricket playing in the restaurant and a room full of Indian/Pakistani men (and us) whooping with delight. Fabulous food and great atmosphere. I didn't think it could get better, until A suggested that we pick up some beers on the way home. A+++ Best boyfriend ever!

And then today, I got a letter from centrelink telling me that they've reapproved me and I don't have to be incredibly poor for the next six months, I go and play with kittens in preparation for adoption and I buy new and beautiful clothes to start my new job on Friday! What did I do to deserve all this? Seriously, if things get any better I'm going to start freaking out.

12:58 p.m.

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